I have nothing against Professor Zinsmeister. I completely respect his right to him holding to his views and to his beliefs.
In everything I write, I never address JWs individually, my argument is always against the ruling controlling body. Because I feel such sympathy for the individual, I try to help release the mental stranglehold that is applied by the WTS. My argument is driven by the way they rip families apart and the unnecessary deaths they cause through their "policy" on the medical use of blood.
My interest in this instance related to the WTS brochure referencing a Professor as supporting the WTS's position. The writers and publishers of the brochure should have made it very clear to the reader of the situation. This is yet another example where the WTS is not completely open.
The brochure is addressed at Jews. I therefore read it through those eyes. No Jew would comprehend that the WTS's expression "believes in God" should be understood to mean "is a Jehovah's Witness".
Overall, I believe that any knowledgeable Jew would find the brochure demeaning and simplistic. For example, while elevating the significance of the Name of God, which belief a Jew would share, the WTS uses the Name "Jehovah", which was invented by Christendom! How do you think any Jew would respond to that!
Rutherford saddled the WTS with a dead weight when he thought up the name "Jehovah's witnesses".
I can easily understand the views that would be held by Jews. I have immediate forefathers named Abraham, Yitzak (Isaac), and Mosche (Moses).